Somerset NHS Foundation Trust - Research Community of Practice
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The Knowledge & Library Service in partnership with the SW Clinical School welcome you to the Community of Practice, established to mobilise knowledge about research and evidence based healthcare.
What is a Community of Practice (CoP)?
A Community of Practice is a group of people who come together to share ideas, develop expertise and solve problems around a topic of interest. They provide a structure to share both explicit knowledge (that which is formalised through training, scientific literature, guidelines etc.) and tacit knowledge (that which is gained from prior experience).
Why is this needed?
CoPs help organisations thrive by supporting colleagues through peer-to-peer connections which provide opportunities to share knowledge and learning. They can bridge knowledge gaps and silo working by connecting colleagues across disciplines and across organisational hierarchies. This helps to create efficiencies, saving valuable time through learning from the experience of others.
Why create a Research CoP?
We have discovered through our work in supporting colleagues with research projects that there is a need for a forum to share information, practical advice and good practice about developing, conducting and disseminating research, evaluation and improvement projects. We propose to establish and facilitate a research community of practice for colleagues at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust. In preparation for this, we have taken advice from teams at other NHS Trusts in the region who have been running research CoPs, as well as learning from best practice from the literature.
Planned events
Research CoP Terms of Reference
30 August 2024
The Research Community of Practice (CoP) is a network open to staff and students (colleagues) at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust who are involved in research or who wish to develop their skill set and experience of research. It is a safe, welcoming space where ideas, information, challenges and successes can be shared, as we aim to develop a “research skilled” workforce.
To create a collaborative community where knowledge is shared, opportunities for learning are signposted and duplication of work is reduced. The CoP will provide a point of contact for researchers and those interested in research. The CoP will facilitate regular opportunities for exchange of information and knowledge mobilisation.
Planned activities and resources:
The following have been planned for Year 1 of the CoP.
Dr Ralph Hammond – Clinical Fellow, Somerset Clinical School, Chartered Physiotherapist, Senior Research Fellow, University of Plymouth
Professor Dr Jos Latour – Professor of Clinical Nursing Plymouth University/ Professor and Lead of the Clinical School at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Andrea Mostyn-Jones – Trust Lead Research Nurse/ NIHR Senior Research Leader: Nursing and Midwifery
Veronica Price – KLS Knowledge & Evidence Specialist/ Honorary Clinical Research Associate School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Plymouth
Cate Newell – KLS Manager
Jessica Pawley - Knowledge and Evidence Specialist for Quality Improvement
The facilitators will:
Be responsible for meeting agendas, notes and actions, and share these with the community via email distribution lists, the LibGuide and a dedicated Teams channel.
All CoP members will be expected to:
Show inclusivity and respect to all.
Ensure that meetings are productive and constructive.
Listen, learn and collaborate in a non-hierarchical environment.
Share learning and best practice by acting as connectors and champions for research activity.