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Library services and resources to support Research

These are a selection of the most current books we have specifically to support nursing, midwifery and allied health professional research. Click on the titles to check availability.

You can search for more titles via our Library Catalogue.

You can use our book request form to request books that we do not currently have in stock, or email details to

Use the Browzine search box below to search for journals by Title, ISSN or Subject.

To conduct a search for relevant journal articles, see the Evidence Searching tab above.

You will need to register for an NHS OpenAthens account in order to access full-text articles, where we have a subscription.

You can request articles via our article request form, or email the details to

Search e-journals

We recommend starting with a basic search using the Knowledge & Library Hub, which you can search using the box below.
This will search nationally, regionally and locally purchased content such as books, e-books, journals and databases, and also provide links to clinical decision-making tools and other sources of evidence.

If you need to conduct an advanced search on individual databases such as British Nursing Index, CINAHL, Emcare or MEDLINE, links to these databases are available from the Knowledge & Library Hub homepage.

You will need an NHS OpenAthens account in order to access full-text where we have subscriptions.

See the Training tab for more information on how to conduct evidence searches.

Searching: Health and Care Evidence, from Health Education England

Please visit our Library Skills Training Guide to find lots of resources to support you.

Self-directed learning is also available from eLearning for Healthcare:

Individual or group training sessions are available from the library by request - please contact your local NHS library service at (SFT staff) or (YDH staff) to check availability. Training can be delivered face-to-face or via MS Teams.

Please visit the Writing for Publication page of our Library Skills Training Guide for more information and resources to support writing up and disseminating your research.

We have library facilities at both Musgrove Park Hospital and Yeovil Hospital. The libraries are located in their respective Academies, and offer the following services: 

In Taunton, you can also book study spaces. To request a booking, please login to a trust PC or the trust network and click here or contact us.

Both libraries are located in the Academy. 

Taunton Academy is located off the Concourse in Jubilee building, opposite M&S. The library entrance is on the ground floor.

Address: Knowledge & Library Services, Musgrove Park Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital TA1 5DA

Yeovil Academy is located on Level 4 of the main Yeovil District Hospital building.

Address: Academy Library,Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, BA21 4AT


Both libraries are located in their respective Academies and are open 24/7 for registered members. For out of hours access, please email Taunton-MPH Library for the door access code. Yeovil Library is accessible out of hours by swiping into the Academy with your YDH ID badge.

You can join both libraries by completing an online registration form.

For staffed hours, please see below: 

Taunton-MPH Yeovil Library
Monday - Friday:  8.30am - 4.30pm Monday - Friday: Variable staffed hours

Musgrove Park Hospital (Taunton)
There are 2 study pods with PCs on the ground floor that are available for private bookings.

More PCs are available on the first floor. These PCs operate on a first come, first served basis. They are accessible 24/7 to registered members of the library

All the PCs are linked to a colour printer on the first floor. Printing for work purposes is free. If you wish to print for private purposes, the charge is 10p per sheet. Please leave the money in the honesty box next to the printer. 

Yeovil District Hospital (Yeovil)
There are 13 PCs available for use in the library and IT Suite 2. Computers can be accessed 24/7.

All PCs are linked to a colour printer located in IT Suite 2. Printing is charged at 10p per sheet - please pay library staff at the issue desk.


WiFi is also available in both libraries. Please ask the at the helpdesk for more details.



2 group study rooms are available to be booked. 

Each room has a maximum capacity of 4, but can be combined into one room with a capacity of 8.

Each room is equipped with a computer and a TV/monitor screen. These rooms are ideal for private and group study, tutorials, or training sessions for small groups.

You can request a room using Bookwise. To access Bookwise, you'll need to log on to a trust PC or use the trust network. Alternatively, please contact us. 

We ask that you please respect the space as well as other library users. These rooms are not suitable for hot-desking or for private or sensitive meetings/MS Teams calls.

For more information, please see our Room Booking Policy below. 

The librarians and evidence specialists offer training in a number of information-related skills to support your clinical or quality improvement needs and activities. You can book online (via MS Teams) or face to face training by contacting the library directly. 

Take a look at our Training LibGuide to see what's on offer.