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AHP Topic guide

This topic guide is dedicated to the 14 AHPs professions. You will find targeted resources and services provided by the library and knowledge services at Somerset Foundation Trust and Yeovil Foundation Trust.

Welcome to the AHP topic guide

These pages bring together key information & services offered to Somerset NHS Foundation Trust  Allied Health Professionals.

If you need any assistance, or would like to give some feedback on this Guide,
please contact the library team.

How can we help you?

A 2 minute video from HEE explains how the Library & Knowledge service can assist your career progression.

NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

Searching: Health and Care Evidence, from Health Education England

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub is a gateway to high quality knowledge and evidence resources in one place. You can find: 

  • journals, articles, books and databases
  • point of care tools -  BMJ Best Practice and UpToDate
  • resources purchased nationally and locally
  • the opportunity to request us to find the item your are looking for

Full access is free to all NHS Staff and students on placement using your NHS OpenAthens account. Sign up for an Open Athens account here.

Here is a video on how to use the Library and Knowledge Hub

Request training from the library

The library team offer training in a range of topics, delivered F2F or via Teams.

To arrange timing for yourself or your team, please email: or telephone: 01823 342433.

To find out more about our range of training offers, or to access help sheets and video guides, take a look at the following LibGuide links:

Assisted Searching for Evidence - Basic & Advanced

Critical Appraisal

Health Literacy Awareness

Library Induction/Finding Reliable Health Information

Journal Club Facilitation

Knowledge Mobilisation

Referencing Resources

Reflective Practice for Professional Development

Study Skills

Writing for Publication

Using our libraries at Musgrove Park Hospital and Yeovil Hospital

We have library facilities at both Musgrove Park Hospital and Yeovil Hospital. Both libraries are located in the Academy they offer the following services: 

In Musgrove Park Hospital you can also book study space. To request a booking please login to a trust PC or the trust network and click here or send us an email: 

Both libraries are located in their Academy and are open 24/7 for registered members. Please send an email to Somerset FT Library and Yeovil Library for the access codes. 

You can join both libraries by completing an online form: Somerset FT Library / Yeovil Library

Staffing hours for both libraries: 

Somerset FT Library Yeovil Library
Monday - Friday:  8.30am - 4.30pm

Monday - Friday: 8.30am-4.30pm

Staffed hours may vary

At Somerset FT Library, there are  2 study pods with PCs on the ground floor that are available for private bookings.

More PCs are available on the first floor. These PCs operate on a first come, first served basis. They are accessible 24/7 to registered members of the library. 

All the PCs are linked to a printer on the first floor. Printing for work purposes is free. If you wish to print for private purposes, the charge is 10p per page. Please leave the money in the honesty box next to the printer. 


At Yeovil Library, there are 13 PCs available for use in the library and IT Suite. Computers can be accessed 24/7. WiFi is also available in the Library.


At Somerset FT Library, two group rooms are available for bookings. 

Each room has a  maximum capacity of 4, they can be combined into one room with a capacity of 8.

Each room is equipped with a computer and a TV/monitor screen. These rooms are ideal for private and group study, tutorial, or training sessions for small groups.

You can request a room using Bookwise. To access Bookwise, please log on a trust computer or use the trust network. Alternatively, please send us an email

Please respect others and the area. These rooms are not suitable as hot-desking spaces or for private or sensitive meetings/MS Teams calls. 

Please comply with our room booking policy available on our website.



The librarians and evidence specialists offer training in a number of information-related skills to support your clinical or quality improvement activities. You can book online (via MS Teams) or face to face training by contacting the library directly. 

Take a look at our Training LibGuide to see what's on offer.

Somerset FT Library Yeovil Library
Telephone: 01823 342433  Telephone: 01935 384495 / 4697 

More information on the dedicated LibGuide.

OpenAthens is the electronic key that allows access to  a wide range of online resources accessible to you as NHS Staff (or students on placement)

You can register for OpenAthens here. If you are a student on placement, please register with your SomersetFT email address and choose the job role 'Student - placement'. 


How do I access the library? 

How can I join the library? 

What are the library opening times? 

How long can I borrow a books? 

Can I borrow books out of hours? 

How can I search for library books? 

How do I renew a book? 

How can I request items? What if I need a book / journal articles you haven't got in your catalogue? 

Is there computer access? 

Can I print documents in the libraries? 

Can I book a study space in the libraries? 

What is OpenAthens account and how can I register for one? 

Can I eat in the library?

I am a student, what are the services you are offering for me? 

How do I access to the library? 

For Somerset FT Library: 

The library is located in the Academy at Musgrove Park hospital site on the ground floor. In the Hospital aim for M&S Cafe at the Concourse building and you will find the Academy opposite. Please contact the library if you need help.

For Yeovil Library: 

The Library is in the Academy on Level 4 of the main Yeovil District Hospital building. Please contact the library if you have any problems trying to find us.

How can I join the library? 

For both Somerset FT and Yeovil Library, please fill out the following online form

Registration is open for staff and students on placement. 

Once the registration completed, you will receive a welcome email with more details about our services and how to access the library 24/7 hours. We will also invite you to collect your library card. 

What are the library opening times?

Access 24/7 when you are a registered member. Please send an email to Somerset FT Library and Yeovil Library for more details. 

Both libraries are staffed Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm

How long can I borrow books? 

You can borrow for 4 weeks and renew up to 3 times. If you need the books longer, please email us

Can I borrow books out of hours? 

You can borrow books at both Somerset FT and Yeovil libraries: 

  • Somerset FT has a self-service machine located in the wellbeing area at the entrance of the library. Please follow the instructions displayed. If you don't have your library card, please fill out a form on the adjacent table. 
  • Yeovil operates a paper system for which there is a guide at the book issue point. 

How can I search for library books and articles ? 

Our catalogues are accessible online through the NHS Library and Knowledge Hub.

 You can search for a wide range of resources such as databases, journals and e-publications.  

How do I renew a book? 

Renewals are possible from staff at the issue desk, by phone, by email or you can access your record and renew your books online at (if you don't have an account, please follow the on screen instructions)
Please note that books borrowed from another Library cannot be renewed online. Please contact the library to renew these books.

Somerset FT contact Yeovil contact
Email: Email:
Phone: 01823 342433 Phone: 01935 384495 / 4697

How can I request items? What if I need a book / journal articles you haven't got in your catalogue? 

If you are using the Library and Knowledge Hub, you can find a request link (left side). Then, the form will be sent to us and we will request the document for you. 

You can also requests books or articles using our online forms: 

Somerset FT Library and Knowledge Hub

Is there computer access? 

At Somerset FT Library drop-in computers are available on the first floor 24/7. You need to use your Somerset FT login. Some computers are dedicated to Sompar login. These computers are located in the computer island on the first floor. There are also two study pods with computers available and bookable study rooms. 

Wifi is also available in the building and three computers are available outside the library in the Academy break out area.

At Yeovil Library PC’s are available for use in the Library and the  IT Suite. Computers can be accessed 24/7. WiFi is also available in the Library.

Can I print documents in the libraries? 

Yes, at both Somerset FT Library and Yeovil Library. 

For Somerset FT Library, all the PCs are linked to a printer on the first floor. Printing for work purposes is free. If you wish to print for private purposes, the charge is 10p per page. Please leave the money the honesty box next to the printer. 

For Yeovil library, printer is located in the IT Suite 2. Printing is charged at 5p per A4 and 10p per A3 page. Please pay the library staff. 

Can I book a study space in the libraries? 

At Somerset FT Library, there two pods on the ground floor available for bookings as well as two group rooms on the first floor. Both pods and group rooms are equipped with computers.  

Each group room can accommodate up to 4 people and they can be combined into one room with a capacity of 8 maximum.

Each group room is also equipped with a computer and a TV/monitor screen. These rooms are ideal for private and group study, tutorial, or training sessions for small groups.

You can request a room using Bookwise. To access Bookwise, please log on a trust computer or use the trust network. Alternatively, please send us an email

Please respect others and the area. These rooms are not suitable as hot-desking space or for private / sensitive meetings/MS Teams calls. 

We also ask you to comply to our room booking policy

What is an OpenAthens account and how can I register for one? 

OpenAthens is the electronic key which allows you to access a wide range of online resources accessible to you as NHS Staff (or students on placement). 

You can register for OpenAthens here. If you are a student on placement, please register with your SomersetFT email address and choose the job role 'Student - placement'. 

Can I eat in the library? 

Eating is allowed in both the libraries. Please be mindful of others and clean up after yourself. Wipes and bins are available in the library. 

I am a student, what services you are offering for me? 

Students on placement have access to most of the library services. This includes joining the library and access 24/7 to both libraries, borrowing items, requesting books and articles from other libraries, access to our online resources or booking study spaces. We also offer bespoke training to students and you may request an evidence search on specific occasions. 

Before coming to us, please use your partnership university resources and services. Most universities offer a broad range of online resources as well as academic skills sessions and bespoke sessions. Please use our dedicated libguide for students on placement to get access to the university resources and services.


Resources from the Public Library Network

We would like to draw your attention to resources from the Public Library network which might be of interest to you or your patients and their carers. All of these resources and services are completely FREE for members of Somerset Libraries. Visit this page to sign up.

There is a Library at Home service which delivers books to library members who are unable to visit the library in person.

There are Digital Health drop-ins at Taunton and Yeovil libraries, face to face support with a member of library staff to access online health information and services, such as how to load and use the NHS App on a smartphone or tablet.

iPads can be borrowed, which are pre-loaded with reliable and accessible health information for people who might want to find out more about their health condition and play an active role in their own healthcare.

Blood Pressure monitoring kits can be borrowed.

OMI Interactive Projectors can be used by dementia patients and people with a learning difficulty.

Audio-books and e-books can be accessed free via the BorrowBox App and magazines and newspapers can be accessed for free via the Libby App. More information including video guides for setting up these services can be found here.