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We network with other NHS libraries across the region, and the UK, so if you don't find the book you are looking for in our stock, we can request the book from another library through our document supply service.

How to request a book not listed on the catalogue:

They are many ways to request a book: 

  • contact us via email with the title of the book, author and ISBN
  • click below and fill in our book request form
  • go to our Knowledge & Library Hub, sign in at the top yellow banner with your OpenAthens account, then search for the book. When you find it, click on 'Request the item'. Fill in the form and then click on 'Submit'

Don't have an OpenAthens account yet? Get one here

We are also able to request articles from other NHS libraries through our networks. This service is freely available to staff. If an article is particularly tricky to locate, we may discuss payment, if it is for academic work or for a funded research project.

How to request a journal article? 

  • Click on the button below and fill in our article request form
  • Go to our Knowledge & Library Hub, sign in at the top yellow banner with your OpenAthens account, then search for the article. When you find it, click on 'Request the item'. Fill up the form and then click on 'Submit'


Students on placement are advised to use their University as a first point of contact for resources and help.

We have created a guide to help you with this. 

If you still unsuccessful with your request, we invite you to fill up our book request and/or article request forms.


Open: Mon-Fri: 8.30am-4.30pm 24/7 for registered members
Knowledge & Library Services, Musgrove Park Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital TA1 5DA
Open: 24/7 for registered members. Variable staffed hours (when unstaffed, please send us an email or phone us during core staff hours)
Academy Library,Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, BA21 4AT / (01823) 342433    Follow us