These resources have been compiled by the Knowledge & Library Service at Somerset NHS Foundation Trust for use by colleagues working in Public Health at Somerset County Council with whom we have a Service Level Agreement.
You are entitled to membership of our library, please complete the membership form.
Please register for Open Athens to access e-resources, you will need to select "Public Health" for your user category.
To search the library catalogue use this link.
To register for BMJ Best Practice, please use this link. (Use the institutional access provided using your Open Athens account and then set up a personal account if you wish to use the App on a smartphone or tablet).
We can offer you up to five evidence searches p.a. To make a request for an evidence search please complete this form with as much detail as possible and one of our evidence specialists will be in touch.
You can search for nationally available content from HEE using the Knowledge Hub Search tool in the box below. If you require training in how to construct a search strategy and how to perform a systematic search of the healthcare databases, please contact us for more details:
To view our training offers and instructional videos, please take a look at our training guide.
sign up for the KnowledgeShare current awareness bulletin
Under the terms of our current Service Level Agreement each person can borrow up to 8 items.
You can search for books held in our library or other libraries in our network using this link.
Full content access to e-books provided with your Open Athens account
If you require additional help with any of the information on this page, please contact the library.
Phone: 01823 342433