This guide has been constructed to help anyone who has recently moved to Somerset to feel more at home here. It is a work in progress and if you have any suggestions for what you would like to see on the site, please email:
The Somerset accent and dialect can be difficult to understand for new arrivals to the area, whether you have been recruited internationally or from another region of the UK.
You might find these websites useful:
Somerset Dictionary A to M from BBC Voices
Somerset Dictionary N to Z from BBC Voices
These are the 23 best West Country words but how many do you use? from Somerset Live
There are conversation cafes held at public libraries throughout Somerset, anyone can join the public library and all resources are free. Find out more from Somerset Libraries here.
They offer a free online language learning programme, more details here.
There are also ESOL courses on offer from Somerset Skills and Learning, which you can access at Learning English in Somerset.