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Library Skills Training

Resources for Writing for Publication

Do you have a bright idea, or results of a project to share, but don’t know where to start when it comes to publishing your findings? The Somerset Clinical School, in collaboration with SFT/YDH Library & Knowledge Services, will be running a series of face-to-face Writing for Publication workshops. The first set of workshops in Autumn/Winter 2022-23 are already fully booked.

New dates for 2023!

The next set of dates for Writing for Publication workshops have been released, and are now available to book on OWL/LEAP, please click on the links below for more details and to book your place:

Writing for publication workshop 1: finding the evidence (MS Teams)
Tuesday 4th April 9:30-11am, MS Teams

Writing for publication workshop 2: writing your article/manuscript (Face to face at Musgrove Park Hospital)
Tuesday 11th April, 9:30-12:30, face-to-face @ Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton

Writing for publication workshop 3: designing and creating conference abstracts & posters
Tues 16th May, 9:30-12:30, face-to-face @ Musgrove Park Hospital

You can pick and choose which workshop(s) you would like to attend, you are not commited to doing all 3.

If you'd like to be added to the waiting list, please email

Come along to these interactive workshops and we’ll tell you about the publication process and give you protected time to kick start your writing journey - so bring along your laptop, smart device or pen and paper! 

The publication workshops will be followed up by drop-in Writing Cafés – protected time and space for writing, with support and advice on hand. 

There is a waiting list for the Writing for Publication workshops.

In the meantime, here are some slides from previously delivered sessions on some aspects of the topic, which you may find useful:


You may also find the following freely available online course on Academic Writing for Publication, published by the University of Nottingham useful:

Publication Advice

Somerset NHS FT Style Guidee