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Patient Safety

Library service and resources to support Staff on the topic of Patient Safety

How to access and borrow the books.

To access to the books below, click on the title of the book. You will be redirected to the Library & Knowledge Hub page for this title. 

Scroll down until 'Location' 

If you find in the status column 'available' , you can go to the library and find the book on the shelves. Use the Shelf mark to locate the book in the library. If you see the status 'on loan' then you can request it. To do this, click on 'Request the item' on the left of the item title

If you have any issue please send us an email


Patient safety Books and Ebooks

The Royal Marsden


 Access the Royal Marsden online. Several sub-chapters are dedicated to patient safety. 

 Login with your NHS OpenAthens account to read content. 

Want to dig deeper into our resources?

If you want to find other resources on patient safety or other subject, here is a video tutorial on how to use the Knowledge and Library Services Hub