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Medical Students on Placement


To join the Library please click the button below and complete the registration form on the Library website, or ask a member of Library staff. You will be issued with a library card and all personal details provided will be stored on the SWIMS Library Management System in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations.

Data Protection Statement
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust believes that the security of data stored on computers is an essential requirement for good risk management and to provide a high quality service for patients/clients and staff. The Trust therefore recognises adherence to the Data Protection Act 2018.

SWIMS Privacy Notice.


NHS staff and students can register for an NHS OpenAthens username and password to access our electronic resources. The single sign on allows access to a wide range of resources including ebooks, ejournals and databases.

Eligible users can register from work or at home. You can register for OpenAthens by clicking the button below.

If you are transferring to Somerset FT from another Trust, you may already have an OpenAthens account. If so, please let us know and we will transfer your account, to allow you access to our subscribed online resources.

Please note: when registering from home it can take up to 7 days to verify your account. Registration from an NHS networked computer is recommended.


BMJ Best Practice is an online decision-support tool for use at the point of care. It draws on the latest evidence-based research to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention. 

All NHS colleagues have access to the full version online via their OpenAthens account.

How to log into BMJ Best Practice:

  • Click on 'Log In' on the top righthand corner,
  • Click on 'Access through institution',
  • Click on 'Log in via OpenAthens/Shibboleth',
  • Select 'Somerset NHS Foundation Trust',
  • Log into OpenAthens


BMJ Best Practice is also available as an app. It can be downloaded via the following:

You will need to create a private account before using the app

UpToDate is a leading point of care tool. Updated on a daily basis, it provides information on more than 10,000 topics in 26 specialties.
It has access to more than 460 journal titles, as well as over 10,000 guidelines, and there is a comprehensive drug database.

UpToDate us accessible on a Trust PC, at home and via the app.

An OpenAthens account is required to access UpToDate at home and via the app.

How to log into UpToDate:

  • Click on 'Sign in' on the top righthand corner,
  • Click on 'Sign in with OpenAthens',
  • Click on 'Log in via OpenAthens/Shibboleth',
  • Select 'Somerset NHS Foundation Trust',
  • Log into OpenAthens

The app can be downloaded via the following: