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Medical Students on Placement

You are entitled to join the Library & Knowledge Service if you are:

To join the Library please click the button below and complete the registration form on the Library website, or ask a member of Library Staff. You will be issued with a library card and all personal details provided will be stored on the SWIMS Library Management System in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations.


South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT)

The Discovery Library are in place to provide you with resources and services. The library is based in Derriford Hospital in Plymouth. Please find more information here.



As well as registering with the library, we recommend you register for an OpenAthens account.

When you register online, we will send you a welcome email with various other links and further information about the resources and services available to you. 


If you are a patient or a member of staff working for Somerset County Council, please see our dedicated guide: 

Data Protection Statement
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust believes that the security of data stored on computers is an essential requirement for good risk management and to provide a high quality service for patients/clients and staff. The Trust therefore recognises adherence to the Data Protection Act 2018.

SWIMS Privacy Notice.


Open: Mon-Fri: 8.30am-4.30pm 24/7 for registered members
Knowledge & Library Services, Musgrove Park Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital TA1 5DA
Open: 24/7 for registered members. Variable staffed hours (when unstaffed, please send us an email or phone us during core staff hours)
Academy Library,Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, BA21 4AT / (01823) 342433    Follow us