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Medical Students on Placement

Databases will allow you to structure complex searches to find specific information. 

Find our list of databases below with helpful videos and guides about how to use them. 

The Knowledge & Library Hub connects NHS staff and learners to high quality knowledge and evidence resources in one place.

It includes:

  • journals, books and databases
  • clinical decision support resources including NICE Guidelines, BMJ Best Practice and UpToDate
  • resources purchased nationally and locally
  • one-click links to full-text, request a copy or contact an NHS library

An OpenAthens account is required to gain full access to this resource.

Register for an  OpenAthens account

The Knowledge and Library Hub is funded by NHS England Workforce, Training and Education. Video introduction below: 



In EBSCO, you can search for the following databases: 

  • CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literatures) - covers all aspects of nursing and allied health disciplines
  • Medline - covers a broad range of medical topics relating to research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues and health care services
  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection - a comprehensive database covering behavioural characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology and observational and experimental methods. 
    (Copyright (c) Exeter Library)

An OpenAthens account is required to gain full access to this resource.

Register for an  OpenAthens account 

Use My OpenAthens to access these databases then select EBSCOhost Databases in My resources


EBSCO support: 

Basic searching

Advanced searching

Ovid is a platform that will allow you to search in the databases Medline, EMBASE, Emcare, HMIC, AMED and Social Policy and Practice. 

  • Medline - covers a broad range of medical topics relating to research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues and health care services
  • EMBASE - covers pharmacology, pharmaceutics, drug research, toxicology and more.
  • Emcare - covers nursing and allied health disciplines
  • HMIC (Health Management Information Consortium) - covers health policy, management and administration, quality and safety etc.
  • Social Policy and Practice - covers a broad range of evidence-based social science research. Fields covered: public health, social care, community development, mental and community health, homelessness, housing, crime, equalities, law and order, children and families, and older people. 

An OpenAthens account is required to gain full access to this resource.

Register for an  OpenAthens account

Use My OpenAthens to access these databases then select Ovid Technologies, Inc in My resources

Ovid Training Support:     Video training: 
Ovid training centre Basic searching
  Advanced searching




In ProQuest, you can access the following databases: 

  • PsycINFO - covers psychology and related disciplines
  • Medline - covers a broad range of medical topics relating to research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues and health care services
  • AMED (Allied & Complimentary Medicine) - covers complementary medicine, palliative care and allied health professions
    (Copyright (c) Exeter Health Library)
  • BNI (British Nursing Index) - covers all aspects of nursing, midwifery and community healthcare
    (Copyright (c) Exeter Library)
  • Coronavirus research databases - a free health and medical research database for openly available content related to the COVID-19 outbreak
  • Health Research Premium Collection - a broad range of medical content, including health, administration and psychology
  • PTSDpubs - covers traumatic stress subject journal articles. 

An OpenAthens account is required to gain full access to this resource.

Register for an  OpenAthens account

Use My OpenAthens to access these databases then select ProQuest New Platform in My resources

ProQuest Support: 

Basic search 

Webinar: introduction to ProQuest platform (60min)

Advanced search tips

Webinar: advanced searching (90min)


Published by the National Library of Medicine in United States, PubMed contain more than 30 millions citations in biomedical and life sciences literature. 

Online training is available here. is a set of illustrated clinical skills guidelines with information on over 220 procedures. All procedures featured on are evidence-based (where evidence exists), with click-through links to national guidance and other published papers.

With, you can also create question banks for users. To know more about it, please follow the series of videos available on YouTube.

To access the resource, please log in with your OpenAthens account. Don't have an account? Register here.


Please note: this resource does not replace mandatory training providing by the Trust. 



 The Cochrane Library encompasses high quality health information compiled as systematic reviews. It is a powerful tool to help decision-making. 

Use My OpenAthens to access these databases then select Cochrane Library in My resources

Want to know how to use Cochrane? Training material available here.

The library also runs various types of assisted search sessions tailored to your particular needs. Find out more here.

Trip is a free online clinical search engine. NHS staff have access to Trip Pro via their NHS OpenAthens account. Trip Pro is an enhanced version of Trip which provides access to additional content such as medical images, videos, access to free full-text articles and advanced search functionalities.

Use My OpenAthens to access these databases then select Trip Medical Database in My resources.

Here is the page about how to use Trip. 

Introduction video from the founder Jon Brassey: 


Face-to-face and remote training sessions can be booked to assist with using the Knowledge & Library Hub to search the health and medical databases. Visit our training pages to book a place.

The STEP e-learning modules are aimed at anyone doing a literature search on a health-related topic. They are primarily targeted towards novice searchers or those who would like a refresher. Each module has a glossary explaining key terminology in further detail. A login is not required to access the modules. To by-pass the need to log in, click on continue. However you can track learning along with other modules with e-Learning for Healthcare with an NHS OpenAthens account. Each module has the option to download a certificate.

Module 1: Introduction to searching This module provides an overview of the searching process and its main purpose is to get the user to think about their current level of knowledge. Where gaps are identified, users are directed to the most relevant modules.

Module 2: Where do I start searching? This module aims to help the user look in the right places for information based on the topic and the type of information required. It starts with some limitations of using Google and signposts users to other resources including core content.

Module 3: How do I start to develop a search strategy? This module aims to show the user the benefits of planning a search strategy using tools such as PICO and 4Ws as well as identifying keywords and synonyms. It also covers when to use AND and when to use OR via a short video animation.

Module 4: Too many results? How to narrow your search This module aims to help the user identify and use different techniques to narrow their search and find more relevant articles in less time. Techniques covered include applying limits, phrase searching and amending the search strategy.

Module 5: Too few results? How to broaden your search This module aims to help the user identify and use different techniques to increase their search results even when there does not seem much available at first. Methods covered include altering search term endings, removing keywords and limits and amending the search strategy.

Module 6: Searching with subject headings This module provides an overview of how to use subject headings to broaden or narrow a search and find more relevant articles in less time.

The critical appraisal programme has been designed to enable the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) to build confidence in the critical appraisal process when applying and evaluating research.

As the next step to research review, critical appraisal is the process of assessing the reliability, importance and applicability of evidence. It can be applied to a range of written work such as formal research projects, studies and professional development to check validity and determine value.

This programme aims to support NHS colleagues with understanding the different methods and tools to carry out critical appraisal of research, through 8 bite-sized modules.

  1. Introduction to Critical Appraisal (available now)
  2. Introduction to Health Inequalities (coming soon)
  3. Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Randomised Controlled Trials (coming soon)
  4. Introduction to Interpreting Results for Critical Appraisal (coming soon)
  5. Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Systematic Reviews (coming soon)
  6. Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Studies (coming soon)
  7. Introduction to Critical Appraisal of Diagnostic Studies (coming soon)
  8. Introduction to Critical Appraisal Tools (coming soon)

The sessions are short, with each topic taking approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Each session includes reference links to further resources, should learners choose to check their understanding throughout the programme.


Open: Mon-Fri: 8.30am-4.30pm 24/7 for registered members
Knowledge & Library Services, Musgrove Park Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital TA1 5DA
Open: 24/7 for registered members. Variable staffed hours (when unstaffed, please send us an email or phone us during core staff hours)
Academy Library,Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, BA21 4AT / (01823) 342433    Follow us