The Library Catalogue (SWIMS) brings together the catalogues of all the NHS Libraries within the South West. This includes books and eBooks.
You can search the Catalogue by clicking on the red button.
You are also able to renew the books that you have out on loan via the Library Catalogue. On your first time logging in we recommend that you activate your account and create a PIN. Instructions on how to do this can be found by clicking the login button located in the top right hand corner on the Library Catalogue.
To login you need the barcode number that is on your Library Card. It starts with U0… and your PIN. If you have lost your Library card or are unsure what your barcode number or registered email is, please contact the library for help.
Once you have logged in you are able to either select the books that you want to renew or renew them all.
You can also find our books and e-books via the Knowledge & Library Hub, you can filter search results by ticking on 'Catalogue only' in the Limits on the left-hand side of the screen. If we don't have a book in our stock, you can click on the 'Request this item' button to make a document supply request.
Members of the library may borrow up to 12 books for 28 days. It is quick and easy to join the library.
Musgrove Park Hospital (MPH)
You can borrow, return and renew books 24/7 with the self-service machine, or see Library staff during staffed hours. If the self-service machine is not working out of hours we operate a paper system for which there is a guide at the issue point.
Yeovil District Hospital (YDH)
You can borrow books via a member of Library staff during staffed hours. Outside of these hours YDH library operates a paper system for borrowing books for which there is a guide at the book issue point.
You can renew your books up to 3 times provided that nobody else has requested them.
You can renew your books with staff at the issue desks, by email and by phone.
In addition, you can access your record and renew you books online where you can also search the Library catalogue. The SWIMS Library catalogue contains all book stock held in NHS Libraries of the South and West.
You can renew up to 3 times. If you want to renew for a 4th time, please get in touch with us and we will assess this.
Books on loan from outside the SWIMS region cannot be renew beyond 3 times. If you still need your books after 84 days please email us as we will need to check with the loaning library.
Please note: The library has the right to recall books at anytime. Therefore, you must return a book if you are asked to do so by a member of the library team, even if it is before the due date.
Musgrove Park Hospital (MPH)
Returned books can be handed to staff at the issue desk, or left in the book returns box (on the Jubilee concourse, opposite M&S). Please do not place returned books directly onto the shelves.
Yeovil District Hospital (YDH)
Returned books can be handed to staff at the issue desk, or left in the white book returns box (located opposite the issue desk in the library). Please do not place returned books directly onto the shelves.
We do not charge fines, however we reserve the right to invoice for the replacement cost of any lost or non-returned items, plus an additional £10.00 for administration.
Request forms are available online for books or articles not in our stock and are available from staff. There may be a charge for this service unless the item is required for clinical purposes so please ask a member of staff for guidance.
We also welcome suggestions for book titles to add to stock, please email your suggestions to:
Please note: in busy times, we will try our best to fulfill your request, please allow us 3 working days to come back to you.
The library may charge you for lost or significantly damaged books.
You are responsible for every item issued to your account. If items are damaged or lost you may be charged replacement costs and an admin fee. The exact details will be discussed on a case by case basis with the Library Services Lead.
Taunton-MPH Open: Mon-Fri: 8.30am-4.30pm 24/7 for registered members Knowledge & Library Services, Musgrove Park Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital TA1 5DA |
Yeovil Open: 24/7 for registered members. Variable staffed hours (when unstaffed, please send us an email or phone us during core staff hours) Academy Library,Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, BA21 4AT | / (01823) 342433 Follow us