BrowZine is a portal to nationally and locally procured print and electronic journals.
Use the search box below for quick access to journals and journal articles.
Don't know the title of the journal? Use the Library & Knowledge Hub to search by keywords, or type your keywords in the 'Search in the library' in the panel on the left hand side.
Access our subscribed content with the browser extension LibKey Nomad. With one click, you can access articles and other subscribed content when searching Google Scholar or PubMed.
The browser extension is accessible on all Trust computers.
Below is a step-by-step guide to download and set up the plugin.
How to download LibKey Nomad For Edge browser
LibKey Nomad is a browser extension linking you to online content in one click. Integrated with our national and local content, LibKey Nomad gives you quick and easy access to our trusted resources. It is now available on all trusted computers and laptops. To download and use it, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Download Extension
Click here to to find LibKey Nomad browser extension.
Step 2: click on ‘Get’
Click on ‘Get’ then 'add extension' in the pop-up window.
Step 3: Select organization
Type 'Somerset ' in the field 'Selection organization' and choose 'Somerset NHS Foundation Trust'.
Step: 4 Library selection saved
You are now ready to search for trusted content. A pop-up logo with 'Download PDF Somerset NHS Foundation Trust' should appear on the bottom left of your browser. Click on it to either access full-text or request it.
Health Service Journal is a set of resources providing information on recent developments in the NHS. Primarily aiming for health leaders Health Service Journal publishes news and insight, expert commentary and analysis on the UK healthcare sector.
Note: access is by request only as user licences are limited. Please contact the library.
Taunton-MPH Open: Mon-Fri: 8.30am-4.30pm 24/7 for registered members Knowledge & Library Services, Musgrove Park Academy, Musgrove Park Hospital TA1 5DA |
Yeovil Open: 24/7 for registered members. Variable staffed hours (when unstaffed, please send us an email or phone us during core staff hours) Academy Library,Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Yeovil, BA21 4AT | / (01823) 342433 Follow us