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Library services and resources to support Research

We offer a wide range of books to support the research process, you can search our full catalogue via the SWIMS Library Catalogue.

Listed below are a selection of our most current titles, which are relevant to the planning stage of your research. Click on the title links to check availability, and contact us if you would like any assistance in obtaining the books.

Please see below a list of relevant ebooks which you can read to support your research journey.

You will need an NHS OpenAthens account to access the full-text, it is quick and easy to register for an NHS OpenAthens account.

We offer access to thousands of electronic journals. Please use the search box below to search our subscriptions, or, scroll down to see a list of research relevant journals.

You will need an NHS OpenAthens account to access the full-text, it is quick and easy to register for an NHS OpenAthens account.

Search e-journals

Before you start your research project, do you know what evidence already exists around your chosen topic?

You can use our Knowledge & Library Hub to search for evidence yourself (try the search box below), or alternatively, the Library offers an evidence search service - our professional team of Knowledge & Evidence Specialists will search for the latest evidence in your chosen field for you, using high quality healthcare information databases, point of care tools, grey literature sources and more.

To request an evidence search, please complete the online form here if you work for Somerset Foundation Trust library or Primary Care with as many details as possible. We'd be grateful if you could give us as much notice as possible.

Please note, we won't conduct evidence searches for academic assignments - instead we will signpost you to training resources, or offer a 1:1 assisted search if we have capacity.

Searching: Health and Care Evidence, from Health Education England

Please visit our Library Skills Training Guide to find lots of resources to support you.

Self-directed learning is also available from eLearning for Healthcare:

Individual or group training sessions are available from the library by request - please contact your local NHS library service at (SFT staff) or (YDH staff) to check availability. Training can be delivered face-to-face or via MS Teams.

Searching Top Tips

18+ Ways to Improve Your PubMed Searches - a blog post full of easy to follow practical advice, written by a neuro-scientist.