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Library services and resources to support Research

You have conducted your research, written up the results and now you want to share your findings.

We offer support in writing for publication with training developed by the research support librarian in partnership with the SW Clinical School. The next series of training opportunities will be bookable on LEAP.


You can also find resources on the Writing for Publication page on the Library Skills training page.

Two blog posts from the OUP Blog present excellent advice for ensuring that your written manuscript presents your research with clarity:

Effective ways to communicate research in a journal article

How to edit your writing: tips to perfect your journal article

If you are creating an academic poster to disseminate your research, you might want to add a Creative Commons Licence. This website provides advice and guidance on the different licence types.





Choosing where to publish

South West Clinical School Journal - The South West Clinical Schools is a collaboration between the University of Plymouth and the NHS to encourage nurses, midwives and allied health professionals to explore how evidence informs practice and to challenge current thinking in the context of what the evidence tells us. This often results in trying out new ideas and new ways of working, that in turn stimulates research ideas to develop and be applied. The South West Clinical School Journal aims to share and celebrate evidence informed practice. The journal has evolved to capture the evidence implementation experiences and research activity of nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and other non-medical clinical colleagues. For some colleagues the journal provides a route to their first formal publication.

GAJET - a list of good academic ethical journals

BEALL'S List of Potential Predatory Journals and Publishers provides guidance on publishers to avoid.